Many rumors about shisha that make many people wary about trying this fine treat. Shisha detractors claim that it causes pollution and that dirty mouthpieces and pipes are liable to spread infection.
They say that while the shisha mouthpiece may be regularly changed, it's very difficult to clean the actual pipe, which may harbor infectious diseases.
It's not tobacco, marijuana or crack cocaine, but this smoking fad has health officials very concerned. They say that since people sit at hookah stations for 30 or 40 or 60 minutes, the amount of nicotine that goes into the smoker during this period is quite significant.
Technically speaking, yes, it's unhealthy, although only negligibly. The water takes away approximately 90 percent of the harmful chemicals, and so a pipe contains merely 0.5 percent nicotine and 0 percent tar. Also, if its not inhaled, there is no danger of lung cancer.
Since shisha is tobacco, smoking it likely involves some of the same ill effects as other types of smoking. However, whereas cigarette smoke fills one's chest with a harsh, burning sensation, one can barely feel shisha smoke in the lungs. Because of the smoothness and the fact that it is light, filtered, and cooled, it is very probably the safest form of smoking there is.
And because it takes a few minutes to set up and then a long time to savor (similar to pipes and cigars), shisha smoking is unlikely to entail that psychological addiction for a quick puff that cigarettes can. Shisha outlets claim they always provide a new plastic mouthpiece, hygienically wrapped and sealed. It may not be politically correct, but tobacco and related paraphernalia is still a big part of the Arab culture.
Remember shisha is still tobacco, and that means all the health risks are imminent if one is not responsible. It is better to limit your intake to a few times a month or less. Restrict your shisha smoking to social gatherings and you'll be fine.
Currently, health watchdogs are looking closely at the smoking of shisha in public places and how it will fit into new guidelines on public health. Specific guidelines will sharpen the fight to protect the environment and protect the health of the public.
Itula serba sedikit pasal shisha ni, walaupun ia sejenis tobacco juga tapi tidaklah seteruk penghisap rokok yang menghisap rokok. Walaupun rokok juga mempunyai banyak keburukkan tetapi kenapa masih lagi ramai orang memilih rokok untuk harian? ok..saya list kan keburukkan-keburukkan orang yang merokok ni eh :
- Perokok tu akan batuk-batuk.
- Perokok tu bermulut busuk sangat.
- Perokok tu punya gigi jadi kuning.
- Perokok punya bibir jadi birat.
Kebaikan dari Shisha :
- Bibir takkan birat, gigi takkan kuning unless uall tak gosok gigi ler.
- Mulut pun tak busuk sangat.
- Ketagih pun tak ketagih sangat.
- Takkan merosakkan gigi.
Jadi, bukannye nak melebihkan shisha..selebihnya semua yang berasap yang disedut mungkin juga mempunyai kesan-kesan sampingan juga, even shesha sedup panjang-panjang pun ade effect gak..rasa pening kepala camtu la. tapi..sekejap je. Rokok..?? tak tau lagi apa jadi kan.. Kemungkinan besar memperolehi penyakit seperti Kanser,Radang paru-paru dan lain-lain. Sebab tu, orang Arab ramai yang memilih Shisha . Mungkin juga, zaman-zaman Rasullulah s.a.w dahulu ada diantara sahabat-sahabat Nabi yang menghisap shisha kan?
Saya tak berapa pasti la bila rokok mula diperkenalkan..walaupun iklan sahaja menyatakan Anti-Dadah tetapi ade juga ramai dikalangan remaja-remaja kini yang menghisap rokok juga. Pernah saya teringat sewaktu Buyo menyertai pertandingan Paintball yang dianjurkan oleh RAKAN MUDA ni. Konon-konon la anti dadah..tapi yang wanita pun hisap rokok jugak dikalangan orang ramai. Seolah-olah merokok tu perkara hebat bagi mereka. Hurm..korang rasa apa eh? Bangga eh..
Oklah, just bagi info je..ualls sendiri pun pernah gak terlalu ke, stuck kat kempen2 anti dadah ke ape ke..sume write about keburukan rokok je kan? So, bagi wanita..ualls sendiri tau kan merokok leh membuat korang ni MANDUL. so, saya bukan apa..cuma melihat segelintir wanita-wanita yang amat belas dan kasihan sungguh. Dengan pakaian yang tak cukup kain, lepastu merokok ngan muka yang ***** hehe pikir sendiri la eh. u alls da besar kan??
boleh terime atau tidak penggemar rokok???...shisha is the best....
ReplyDeletesy setuju 120 peratus!!
shisha is the best!
k0 guan0 bin?
to:PR people..
ReplyDeletestakat baca quran PUTRI tau baca
terbaek ni...
ReplyDeleteuntuk komen ni...mcm2 kite boleh bg pandangan! tp tntg hal y kemungkinan sahabat nabi hisap shisha tu..tak patot diketengahkn..kerana bila tiba satu masa nt jika shisha diharamkan...para2 sahabat akan dikaitkan dlm mane2 hujah..jika pasti..sila kemukakan bukti atau dalil y sohih utk kite memberi pndapat!